Objectives and participants
Advisory Committee
Implementation Agent
Contact us


In the 2018 Budget, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government set aside $500 million to set up the Chinese Medicine Development Fund (Fund), which is supervised by the Food and Health Bureau. The fund was officially put into operation in June 2019.

Objectives and participants

The main purpose of the Hong Kong Chinese Medicine Development Fund is to promote the development of the Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine drug sectors, enhance the overall standard of the industry, nurture talents for Chinese medicine, promote Chinese medicine-related research and enhance public knowledge and understanding of Chinese medicine. The Fund will benefit  practitioners and organizations at different levels of the Chinese medicine and Chinese medicine drug sectors including Chinese medicine practitioners (covering both registered and listed Chinese medicine practitioners), related healthcare professionals  and persons engaged in the Chinese medicine drug industry. Organizations include Chinese medicine clinics, manufacturers and wholesalers of proprietary Chinese medicine (pCM) , retailers and wholesalers of Chinese herbal medicine, as well as professional bodies, trade associations, institutions related to Chinese medicine, universities and higher education institutions.


The Chinese Medicine Development Fund comprises of two parts, namelythe Enterprise Support Scheme (ESP) and the Industry Support Scheme (ISP). There are four funding schemes under ESP, including funding scheme for "Chinese Medicine Personal Training and Chinese Medicine Clinic Improvement Funding Scheme", the "Proprietary Chinese Medicine Quality and Manufacturing System Enhancement Funding Scheme", the "Proprietary Chinese Medicine Registration Supporting Scheme" and the "Chinese Medicine Warehouse Management, Logistics and Services Improvement Funding Scheme". The ISP is divided into two projects, including "Chinese Medicine Industry Training Funding Scheme & Chinese Medicine Promotion Funding Scheme" and the "Chinese Medicine Applied Studies and Research Funding Scheme".

Advisory Committee

The Committee, for which the Chairman and members are appointed by the Secretary for Food and Health, comprises representatives from the sectors of Chinese medicine practitioners, Chinese medicine drugs, testing and certification, and healthcare, as well as experts, academics and lay persons with rich experience in business management and public administration. The appointments will take effect from March 1, 2021, to February 28, 2023, for a term of two years.

Membership of the Committee is as follows:

Chairman Members Ex-officio Members
Mr SO Cheung-tak Douglas, BBS, JP Professor BIAN Zhaoxiang

Dr CHAN Kei-wai

Mr CHAN Wing-suen

Professor FENG Yibin

Ms LAM Pui-yan

Ms LAU Sze-wan, Serena, JP

Mr LEE Kai-ping, Henry

Dr LIONG Ching

Mr MA Kwai-yung, Gerry, JP

Dr OR Ka-hang

Miss Suen Wai-lam

Ms WANG Huimin

Mr WONG Ka-on

Professor WU Che-yuen, Justin
Representative(s) from the Food and Health Bureau

Representative(s) from the Department of Health

Representative(s) from the Hospital Authority

Representative(s) from the Innovation and Technology Commission


Implementation Agent

The Hong Kong Productivity Council will be serving as the Implementation Agent.

Contact us

HKPC building, 78, Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon Tong
Tel:2788 5632 (General Enquiries) 2788 5633 (Chinese Medicine Personal Training Funding Scheme A1-1, A1-2, A1-3)
Fax:3187 4581

Phone: (852)2788 5632 / 2788 5633 Fax: (852)3187 4581 Email:
copyright @ 2022 Chinese Medicine Development Fund