Privacy Policy Statement

Thank you for visiting our Website.

The Chinese Medicine Development Fund Management and Monitoring Team (FMMMT) is committed to ensuring that all personal data submitted through the website are handled in accordance with the relevant provisions of the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance.

We understand that you care about the security of your privacy. It is therefore our prime concern to secure your privacy so that you may enjoy visiting our Website without any worry. This Privacy Policy Statement tells you about what information we would collect from you and what we would do about them and also explains our security policy.

Personal Data Collection and Use

Generally speaking, we do not collect any personal data from you and no registration is required in order to gain access to any information provided by our Website. We will record your visit to our Website to compile general statistics in relation to the number of visitors to our Website without collecting any personal identifiable information.

However, personal data may be collected from you on a voluntary basis for some particular purposes or services. We will specify the collection purpose and intended usage of your data when we invite you to provide such information and advise you how you may request access to, or correction of, the personal data provided.

Where personal data is provided by you, we may occasionally send you some promotional materials regarding this programme. If you do not wish to receive further promotional materials from us, please e-mail to us at or write to us at The FMMMT (Chinese Medicine Development Fund), Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong.

When you send us e-mail to make any enquiries, complaints or feedback, we will record your personal data so as to carry out further actions or to do proper follow-ups.

Security of Personal Data

We do take the security of your privacy seriously. Our general policy is not to disclose any personal data to any third parties except as required by law or with your prior consent. We also instruct our staff of our Privacy Policy from time to time to ensure their strict compliance.

Disclosure and Sharing of Personal Data

Our general policy is to keep all personal data confidential except as permitted or required by law.

The personal data provided will be used for the specified purposes stated by us when collecting such data including without limitation processing of promotion, statistical purposes and other related matters. We may provide these personal data to persons authorised to process the information for purposes relating to those specified purposes only.

Data Retention

Personal data you provided to us will be retained for such period as may be necessary for the carrying out of the purposes referred to in this Privacy Policy Statement.

Personal Data Access and Correction

Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you are entitled to be informed by us whether we hold your personal data, to have access to such data and to correct such data if they are inaccurate.

Any such data access request has to be made in writing and be sent to us by mail to: The FMMMT (Chinese Medicine Development Fund), Hong Kong Productivity Council, HKPC Building, 78 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon, Hong Kong, or by e-mail to:


This Privacy Policy Statement only applies to this Website. If you click on any hyperlink linking to another website, you will leave our Website for another location. We shall not be responsible for the privacy and security practices or the content of such websites and you should always check the privacy policy of all websites you clicked in.


We reserve the right to revise, change or modify this Privacy Policy Statement from time to time at our sole discretion by updating this Privacy Policy Statement, posting or by inserting notices located on particular pages at this Website to that effect. Please remember to visit this page from time to time to review any amendments to the above Privacy Policy Statement and their effect on your use of this Website. Your continued use of this Website implies your acceptance to such amendments.

Applicable Law

This Privacy Policy Statement shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong, Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.

English Version and Chinese Translation

This Privacy Policy Statement is written in English language with a Chinese translation. If there is any discrepancy or conflict between the English version and its Chinese translation, the English version prevails.

Phone: (852)2788 5632 / 2788 5633 Fax: (852)3187 4581 Email:
copyright @ 2022 Chinese Medicine Development Fund